5 Deadly Terms Used by your Wife

1. “Fine”

This is the word women use to end an argument when she knows she is right and you need to stop talking.

2. “Nothing”

Means something and you should be worried.

3. “Go Ahead”

Do NOT confuse this with permission!
It’s a dare and don’t even think about it.

4. “Whatever”

A woman’s way of calling you an idiot.

5. “That’s OK”

She is thinking long and hard on how and when you will pay for your mistake.


This is not a compliment, She is amazed that one person could be so clueless

In the end, both sides need to take note…

We both need to communicate with each other. One or two word answers will not work. My wife and I have been together for over 20 years, and a short quick answer usually means that we are trying to avoid a fight.

We need to make sure our spouse’s understand us, not just what we are saying but what we mean from what we are saying. Many arguments start from a simple misunderstanding. Before getting offended or starting to fight, here is one thing that works.

You start by telling your spouse…
” heard you say “this“…
then you continue with…
“but what you said made me feel “this way
“but I took what you said to mean “this
“but what you said made me feel “this way

What is said and how we take it from another person can be very different, this is how offence and hurt feeling start. This is why care has to be taken when texting one another. You could text one thing but it could have a very different meaning on the other end.

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