Are you wondering what this blog might be about? I would be to if I wasn’t writing what I was being told to write…LOL!! Well, I guess the first place the Holy Spirit wants to start is in Genesis….imagine that….ha! Genesis 2:24 NKJV: Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined … Read more

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L-O-V-E = T-I-M-E

LOVE = TIME, what does that even mean? I thought that was an interesting way to think about and look at love! I’m sure you have all heard about the 5 Languages of Love. Everyone is different! Quality Time is my Love Language. So, when I saw this while reading through a Bible Plan in … Read more

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Have you ever thought of your marriage as a business partnered with God? Or your spouse as one of your customers? When the Holy Spirit brought this to my attention, it was like a light bulb went off in my head! The principles needed to run a successful business God’s way are first learned and … Read more

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William Shakespeare once said, “The eyes are the window to your soul.” But this saying actually originates from the Bible! In Matthew 6:22-23, Jesus says “22 The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eyes are unhealthy, your … Read more

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Today as I was going over my tons of notes for different topics, when the Holy Spirit said “PRAY”! He showed me a prayer that I had written on August 6, 2021 at 10:30pm. He said a prayer is appropriate for today’s blog. So, below, please find a prayer for everyone as our world has … Read more

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Do you know who Pinocchio is? This has been an infamous story about a wooden boy created by a master woodcarver. The story tells about how he came to life and his nose would grow longer every time he told a lie. Did you know that Jesus called lying Satan’s native language? Jesus says it … Read more

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Do you feel like you have fallen and can’t get back up? You are too tired to go on? All of us at one time or another have felt the same way. You are not alone! No one is perfect. Well, that is except Jesus Christ! Life is not easy. Our Father in Heaven will … Read more

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Planting a Seed is giving someone HOPE! Hope in Jesus Christ is how we overcome this world! Our daily time, our first fruits to our Father, is so important. There is more to our giving than just our money or tithes. It is also our time and our talents! Think about it!        … Read more

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What are YOUR sparks that bring love and laughter into your life? One of our sparks is doing life with our church community. We go to lunch or dinner, we fellowship and we pray together for whoever needs prayer. Not just each other, but our waiters, waitresses, others who are sitting waiting for a table, … Read more

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Island of the Sirens

Have you read Homer’s epic work, The Odyssey? It tells the story of Odysseus who encountered the Island of the Sirens. Sirens are creatures that inhabited this island and they had enchanting voices that distracted sailors from their path and imprisoned them forever. Fortunately, for the crew of Odysseus, he knew about the Sirens and … Read more

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