5 Tips for Husbands to Expand Your Marriage

In my 17 years of marriage, I offer you a few tips to help you, as a husband, to strengthen and nourish your marriage. Tip #1: Express Appreciation How often do you tell your wife what you admire about her? How often do you express appreciation?  Appreciation can be about something she did that you … Read more

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How to be a better wife

How To Be A Better Wife – 4 Steps Step #1: Appreciation The first thing to consider when loving your husband is appreciation. Men usually desire appreciation, and there’s not enough of it. Think about all the things you can compliment your husband on. What are the character qualities he has that you admire? What … Read more

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How to Successfully Date and Marry

Dear Friend,   So often in our ministry I get asked the question: What’s the right way to date? The answer isn’t as easy as opening the Bible to find out what Jesus said on the topic. The Bible doesn’t say one word about dating in modern thinking. Why? Because people didn’t date back then. They … Read more

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Marital New Years Resolutions

Do you have a New Year’s resolutions?  Most people do and most people don’t follow through, but it’s very important to set goals in all areas of life. A lot of couples don’t set goals for their relationship. That’s unfortunate because marriage is a living breathing thing.  If you don’t focus on it, if you … Read more

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Income Preservation Secrets – Volume Five

So for part five of this series we are going to focus on a permanent stream of income that will never run out specifically Fixed Indexed Annuities or FIA for short.   Preserving Income with an Annuity A question and concern that is often raised especially for the baby boomer generation is what if I … Read more

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Income Preservation Secrets – Volume Four

Using Life Insurance to Supplement Income One thing that people are not aware of it that life insurance is a tool the wealthy utilize to create additional wealth.  Using the right life insurance policy can drastically improve the amount of income you have available to you during your retirement. It’s one of the least known … Read more

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Income Preservation Secrets – Volume Three

We will now dive a bit deeper into the subject matter of getting the most from social security.    Getting the Most Out of Social Security When you first begin working and you see money subtracted from your paycheck for Social Security taxes, it can feel pretty painful. But when you reach retirement age and … Read more

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Income Preservation Secrets – Volume Two

We will now dive a bit deeper into how to preserve my income in retirement years.  It would seem most of what is going to be taught in this post is common sense but you’d be surprised at how little people have knowledge of these concepts.      Four Steps to Creating a Postretirement Budget … Read more

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Income Preservation Secrets – Volume 1

One of the questions I receive is how do I preserve my income in my retirement years?  Here is a brief overview of my answer. Five Ways to Preserve Your Income One of the most important steps you can take to secure a safe, comfortable retirement is to find a way to generate a sustainable … Read more

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