Couples Financial Goals – Financial Literacy Part Three

Here is part three of the series on how to navigate the financial waters of a committed relationship.   Plan for your retirement The question I get asked most often in terms of financial planning is how should couples plan for retirement together? (And most commonly, when?) We have a very simple answer to that question … Read more

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Couples financial goals – Financial Literacy Part 2

Here is part two of the series on how to navigate the financial waters of a committed relationship. 3. Know what works for you Should couples combine finances? There is no single answer to this one. I’ve seen couples who’ve been married 30+ years and keep everything separate. I’ve also met lots of couples who … Read more

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Couples financial goals – Financial Literacy Part 1

So often I get questions about how to navigate the financial waters of a committed relationship.  Here is some information to that end that I hope helps navigate those waters.   How should couples start the conversation about shared financial goals? Start with the question – “What’s your first memory of money?” It’s amazing to … Read more

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The Husband a Loving Servant Leader

This article is about the love of the man for his wife, and about the position of the husband as head and leader. The concept of a family functioning to its fullest capacity without assigned responsibilities is as ludicrous as a championship football team with no designated positions and no assigned tasks for each player.  … Read more

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Five Steps to Forgiveness in Marriage

Throughout time all human beings seek connection with one another. More than anything, Marriage offers that intimacy.  This only happens when we follow God’s laws for marriage. One of those laws is the Law of Purity. The first example of this comes in the book of Genesis where Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed … Read more

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Revelation of Heaven

Collaborated and Written by John Cody Marshall and Vikram Vaidyanathan   This is the event of Vikram’s encounter with Jesus!   I am here because of God’s love.  There is God’s will; and there are the prayers and the will of the bride.  I am here because my bride, Deborah King, was praying fervently and … Read more

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What is a Covenant Marriage?

~In Genesis 2:18, 21-24 The Lord Said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the … Read more

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