God designed marriage to be the most unified, intimate and special relationship on earth. When you take marriage to its very beginning in the Bible in Genesis 2:18 where the Lord God says “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Our Father in His … Read more

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  What a GLORIOUS year 2020 was! (btw GLORIOUS is my word for 2021). It was filled with JOY (my word for 2020)! I just wanted to take a few moments to reflect on the past year. So much has happened. It started off as just a great new year, then the PANDEMIC hit us … Read more

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The Natural Order of the Family!

Husband and wife were created as equals as stated in Genesis 1:27 NLT, “So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” This was in the very beginning when God created the earth and everything on it. So, this is the foundation … Read more

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Married With Children

For as long as I can remember I had always wanted to be a mom. So when my husband and I had our daughter, I was thrilled and ready to take on parenthood…or so I thought. We struggled with learning how to do things and we weren’t always on the same page when it came … Read more

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How to Deal With Spiritual Warfare

Have you seen the movie ‘War Room’? Priscilla Shirer, the main actress had all kinds of issues going on in her relationships. Not just with her husband, but with her daughter, as well. This movie taught us how to deal with SPIRITUAL WARFARE. In the movie, the wife/mother learned how to fight for her marriage … Read more

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God Is Our Provider

In Isaiah 58:11 it says, “Where He guides, He provides.” Simple scripture and SO TRUE! Once we started seeking Him first, giving of our first fruits, things started changing, doors opened and our life has changed. Concepts that used to make no sense, became clear. We started understanding on a deeper level. At first it … Read more

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Why Keep Praying

The key to everything is PRAYER! We cannot emphasize it enough. Now, you may not have a ‘prayer life’ or even know how to pray. That’s okay! We are here and we have resources to help you. The first step is just to talk to Him like you would to your best friend. Papa is … Read more

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In our marriage we’ve learned that it’s not always easy. Things happen. Life happens. But let me ask you a question; When a problem or disagreement arises, where do you turn to? Who do you talk to? Do you reach out to your best friend or closest relative for advice or to vent? The answer … Read more

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Marriage is a place of refuge

Papa designed marriage to be a haven, a place of refuge and rest, where you feel safe and protected. It all started in the Garden of Eden. But few truly seek His definition and the steps necessary to really have ‘Heaven on Earth’. You see, in order to have a Covenant Marriage, you have to … Read more

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