You know when we get married, it seems like we know what the other person is thinking, and we are on the same wavelength. Vik and I used to finish each other’s sentences and we would laugh about it. Then there came a time, when things shifted, and it wasn’t the same anymore. It was … Read more

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This Prayer came to me through a friend by the name of Janice’ Smith. Thank you Janice’! Father, In the name of Jesus, I command every spirit that is not of You, Lord, and every cohort connected to them to leave me, my family, my destiny, my home, vehicles, animals, property, to go to the … Read more

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The Holy Spirit asked me to do prayers this week. Since this is the week of Thanksgiving, He wanted prayers. What He wants, He gets! 🙂 Oh My God, In the midst of everything that is happening in my life and in this world, I ask for Your peace to rule in my heart, in … Read more

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I hope the title of this blog does not offend you! However, children are the number one distraction in your marriage because they take up a majority of your time. Most married couples desire children and they should realize before they become pregnant just how much responsibility they are taking on. Both partners must agree … Read more

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Most of us women do not like the word “SUBMISSION”. It took me a while to understand that what the world thinks submission means and what it means to God are two very different things! First, the word submission, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary means to yield oneself to the authority or will of another: … Read more

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Do you know what God considers as priceless? MARRIAGE! First, let’s be clear on the meaning of priceless. It means there is no price that can be put on something; it means valuable. We live in a time when marriage is dishonored in several ways. In Genesis, Satan tried to destroy and redefine this holy … Read more

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The marriage covenant is in the form of a triangle. God is at the top point with man to the left and woman to the right as shown below. When the husband and wife are both believers it means they each have a personal relationship with God. This relationship began when they accepted Jesus Christ … Read more

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These prayers were found on and written by Jennifer Waddle. Each one is different. Read through them and use them as you need!  A PRAYER FOR FAITHFULNESS: Gracious God, I look to You to bless my marriage with a hope-filled future and pray for a deep, committed faith in You. Please draw my spouse … Read more

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Too many people get into a marriage relationship thinking it will fulfill them and complete them. What they are seeking never comes. Why? Marriage is not the answer when you are feeling desperate, alone, insecure or fearful. The missing piece, the missing link, the void, the emptiness, whatever you choose to call it, is only … Read more

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