The Holy Spirit told me that He wanted to do a blog today about “Godly Friends”. I was like okay. I can do that. I was thinking about our godly friends and we have quite a few. However, He said to me…”did you know that men, especially, need godly friends?” It appears easier for women … Read more

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Is There a WALL in the Middle of Your Marriage?

So, I was working through a Bible Plan on the Holy Bible app and the Holy Spirit gave me this story: I see a couple at an impasse. There is a very large, thick wall between them. I see God sitting and watching what they are doing. One person, the wife, is praying for God … Read more

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Well, today, the Holy Spirit wanted to remind ALL OF US, that prayer does not need to be a long drawn out dissertation with lots of words. Simple is best, as long as it comes from the heart! I have written a few simple prayers for you: Jesus, I need You! Jesus, I trust You! … Read more

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This Prayer came to me through a friend by the name of Janice’ Smith. Thank you Janice’! Father, In the name of Jesus, I command every spirit that is not of You, Lord, and every cohort connected to them to leave me, my family, my destiny, my home, vehicles, animals, property, to go to the … Read more

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What kind of people do you keep around you and your family? When I came across this question, I was like “Oh, good question!” So, I want you to think about this….. The types of people we associate with influence us a lot and they influence our families and life. What do you talk about? … Read more

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As I was woken up this morning to write blogs, I remembered that I had prayed to Jesus for wisdom. Do you understand what that means? First, the Hebrew word ‘hakma’ is their word for wisdom. Then their is the word ‘musar’ which means training with accountability. Think about that! Training with accountability…hmm? Have you … Read more

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Sometimes, we as parents, are called to pray for our children by God. This morning as I was spending time with the Lord is one of those times. Below is a prayer I prayed through one of the Bible Plans on the Holy Bible app. It is from “Powerful Prayers for Your Son” of which … Read more

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