L-O-V-E = T-I-M-E

LOVE = TIME, what does that even mean? I thought that was an interesting way to think about and look at love! I’m sure you have all heard about the 5 Languages of Love. Everyone is different! Quality Time is my Love Language. So, when I saw this while reading through a Bible Plan in … Read more

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Are you kind to your spouse? I have been reading and working through a lot of bible plans from the Holy Bible app. I have found lots of good, valuable information. They have plans for all circumstances. As I scroll through them, I let the Holy Spirit lead me to the ones He wants me … Read more

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How to Successfully Date and Marry

Dear Friend,   So often in our ministry I get asked the question: What’s the right way to date? The answer isn’t as easy as opening the Bible to find out what Jesus said on the topic. The Bible doesn’t say one word about dating in modern thinking. Why? Because people didn’t date back then. They … Read more

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