Date Night

Throughout our 15 years of marriage we have learned so many lessons. After being married 5 years, we welcomed our first child to our family. Though this was an overly exciting time, it also hurt our relationship in ways we weren’t prepared for. The lack of intimacy was increasing as the months went on due to exhaustion and being on edge since our sweet girl had terrible colic. It seemed like we were more like roommates than husband and wife. A few years later we welcomed our second child to the mix…and let me tell you, this did not make matters any better between us. Now there seemed to be even less time for each other.

Date Night

Our marriage was in desperate need of help. As the years went by, we began seeking the Lord together and ultimately growing closer again. Through praying together and spending time together we began working on our marriage and remembering why we fell in love in the first place. We learned that our priorities before were completely out of order. Now, it’s God first, then each other, then the kids. If things aren’t right in the marriage, then things aren’t right in the family. We started investing in each other again by making it a point to have weekly date nights. This can be challenging when you have small children, but make it work. Many times, we stay home and have “date night” after the kids go to bed. Making dinner together, enjoying a quiet candlelit meal on the patio, good conversation, and praying together. This may not sound like much but it’s what keeps the spark going in our marriage. We look forward to our Wednesday nights together, just the two of us. We fight for our time together and will continue to do so. I can honestly say that after 15 years of marriage, I am more in love with my husband now than ever before and I truly believe date night was a big factor into making this happen!

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