Five Steps to Forgiveness in Marriage

Throughout time all human beings seek connection with one another. More than anything, Marriage offers that intimacy.  This only happens when we follow God’s laws for marriage. One of those laws is the Law of Purity.

The first example of this comes in the book of Genesis where Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed in the Garden of Eden—until sin entered their lives.  One thing that is true, but often overlooked is that true intimacy is only possible in an atmosphere of purity. For many marriages, unforgiveness is the sin that introduces impurity to the relationship. Maybe there’s something in your spouse’s life that you have not forgiven. A past hurt or offense may be affecting your ability to love each other as you should.

That issue can be resolved with forgiveness. You won’t know real intimacy in your marriage until you deal with it.

The Bible says unforgiveness poisons our hearts (see Hebrews 12:15). In marriage, unforgiveness is like a dead animal in a basement: It makes the entire house stink. Take for example unforgiving people.  They choose to speak unforgiving and rancid words about the people they resent. Just remember, you don’t have to hear their words to know what’s in their heart. Many times you can see it on their faces and in their actions.

The works of unforgiveness damages the person who does not forgive, worse than it damages anyone else. In other words, when you do not forgive others, the person you hurt most is yourself.

Unforgiveness poisons an individual’s heart and a marriage, even if the unforgiven offense isn’t related to the relationship. Just remember that harboring resentment or bitterness toward others in your life will still have a negative effect on your marriage. In so many marriages, there is always one spouse that becomes the outlet for anger and frustration unrelated to the marriage relationship.

One the other hand where unforgiveness is poison, then forgiveness is the purifying agent. When we forgive others—especially a husband or wife—we get rid of unhealthy thoughts and feelings. Forgiveness cleans out the house and blesses the relationship. It even impacts whether or not God forgives you, according to what Jesus taught in Matthew 6.

Don’t forget that forgiving other people is a serious issue with God and one of the requirements of a marriage that follows God’s Law of Purity. There are five important steps to forgiveness:

1. Release
Release the guilty person from your judgment. Do not keep replaying the offense in your mind. Do not dwell on your hurt feelings or pain. Let God be the judge and let it go.

2. Decide
Forgiveness, just like anything worthwhile, is a decision. Make a decision to love the person who has offended you, then let your behavior reflect that decision. In cases of abuse or destructive behavior, of course, you might have to limit your exposure to certain people. But your spirit toward them should be loving—not hostile.

3. Bless
Pray for that person. Jesus taught us to bless those who curse us and pray for those who mistreat us (Luke 6:28). This is one of the most powerful ways to change negative feelings toward a person. So many times we’ve seen prayer transform deep resentment and hurt into love and compassion—even without the presence of an apology. This is the most important step and without doubt the strongest action we can take in healing the hurts of your past. Though it may take days or weeks, God uses this posture of prayer to heal us.

By the way, the refusal to bless or pray for a person is proof-positive that you haven’t forgiven them.

4. Move On
Refuse to bring up the hurt in the future. When God forgives us, He removes our sins “as far as the east is from the west” (Psalm 103:12). He doesn’t simply forgive; He forgets. Though we cannot erase hurts from our memories, we can make the decision not to dwell on past offenses. This decision alone can have enormous positive impact on a marriage.

5. Repeat
Forgiveness is often a process, so repeat these steps as many times as necessary. Keep going through these steps until you sense a genuine release of the unforgiveness in your heart.

A successful marriage is absolutely possible if we follow God’s laws for marriage. A marriage that obeys the Law of Purity must be one in which forgiveness is present. As you walk in forgiveness, you’ll see a marked difference in the atmosphere and pleasure of your relationship.

Purity is the environment where love and intimacy find their deepest and most beautiful expression. Forgive your spouse. Forgive those who hurt you. Be diligent to remain pure, and God will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.

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