Fruits of the Spirit – LOVE

This is a subject the Lord asked me to create a message for and it was given on 7/24/2021 at Power and Authority Ministries. Next, He told me to create 9 separate videos to record and upload to our YouTube channel AND to our blogs on the website. This is what I am doing.

Now, before I start the message, I need you to understand that the Holy Spirit wrote this series of messages. He wants me to read this scripture before the message:

Romans 10:17 NIV:

“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”

I was told to emphasize that this series on the Fruits of the Spirit is a very important message and the Holy Spirit wants you to pay attention. If you feel the need to replay it, please listen the voice that is nudging you to do so. Just listen in a quiet place with no distractions. The speaker is not important, but the words are. So, close your eyes and HEAR what the Lord wants you to hear.

Just click on the link below and watch the video. Thank you!


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