Going To Battle For Your Children

When you have children, you will go through many transitions throughout their growing years. One major transition that we are going through right now is our oldest daughter going to middle school. Middle school can be tough, especially because they are trying to find themselves and figure out where they belong.

I would be lying if I said our daughter loved it from the start. She has definitely had her challenges, and it hasn’t been easy.

When a parent sees their child struggling, hurt, and defeated we want nothing more than to fix everything and make it better…just like our Heavenly Father. He doesn’t want to see us struggling either. He loves us. He wants us to go to him with every problem, no matter how big or small, just like our children do when they come to us. The bible tells us “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6”

As parents we cannot stop the winds and the waves from coming, but when we bring it to God in our marriage and stand in His power and authority is where we see breakthrough start to happen! My husband and I decided to take our daughter’s burdens to the Lord. Together in unity we have been committed to fighting for her through prayer. We always have prayed for our children, but this was different. This time we were more strategic. We asked God to take over and protect our daughter, we asked Him to surround her with the right friends, and we continued asking for Him to give her confidence in knowing who she is in Jesus. It is so important to us that she knows her identity. We live in a world today where there are so many things telling our children what or who they need to be but it’s God’s Word that we need to stand on. Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Throughout these past few months, we have seen God’s faithfulness over and over again. He has shown us that by putting our trust in Him and staying unified that nothing is too big for Him, just like in Luke 1:37 where it says, “Nothing is impossible for God.”

We must always remember to put our faith in Jesus Christ and surrender all to him!

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