Happiness in the NEW Year

Welcome 2022! I was asking God what He wanted me to write about and I got the word HAPPINESS. Isn’t that what most people are looking for? They just want to be happy. I believe we can all be happy with a few simple steps put into place.


  1. Put God first in your life.
  2. Next, your husband/wife. Once you marry, your spouse comes first after God. You make decisions based on what God tells you to do together.
  3. Pray about everything. Take it to God and listen for His voice. He will guide you always.


These 3 steps will take you through life and give you the happiness you desire.

Please know that does not mean it will be easy. God never promised us an easy life and marriage is work. This world is full of all kinds of things that are not of God and we have to make choices. He gave us free will. That is why we pray about everything. He will guide you in the way He wants you to go, but if you decide to choose something that is not the way God wants you to go, then be prepared for what comes along side based on your choices.

None of us are perfect. God knows this. That is why He sent His son to redeem us! We need to remember to ask for forgiveness regularly, whether we think we need to or not. We sin sometimes without realizing it. So, it is important to ask God for forgiveness for the known and unknown.

God sees what is in our hearts. He knows what we think and what we do. Nothing is hidden from Him. So, if you follow these simple steps, you are sure to be happy because you have a relationship with God and He loves us so much!

Proverbs 8:32-35

Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise. Don’t disregard it. Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.

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