Healthy Boundaries in Marriage

There are times in our marriages when boundaries must be put in place. You’ll hear all about what made us realize that we needed to have these healthy boundaries set and how we went about doing that!

Why do we need boundaries?

It is so important to put boundaries in place to protect what we value. There are different parts of our marriage that we make a priority and one of them is spending quality time together. We decided to set a boundary regarding date night every Friday evening. This is uninterrupted time with each other, no kids, no technology, and no talk about work or finances.

How do we set boundaries?

This must be done TOGETHER because we are better together! And it’s so important to invite the Holy Spirit into this conversation too!

We started by just sitting down and discussing things we were uncomfortable with, like when one spouse answers their phone when they’re out to dinner.

You need to make sure you are being “Quick to listen and slow to speak” like the Bible tells us. Listen to your spouse as they reveal to you some things that you may not have known bothered them. Then respond in love.

We then started discussing what was important to us. We made a list and put it in order of priority.  This can take some time to get through but it is so worth it!

Our marriage has been so much more enjoyable since putting these boundaries in place and focusing on each other. We hope and pray that every couple can do this so they can experience all that God has for them in their marriage!

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