Is There a WALL in the Middle of Your Marriage?

So, I was working through a Bible Plan on the Holy Bible app and the Holy Spirit gave me this story:

I see a couple at an impasse. There is a very large, thick wall between them. I see God sitting and watching what they are doing.

One person, the wife, is praying for God to help her and show her how to remove this wall from between them; how to soften their hearts towards each other. As she is praying, her side of the wall starts to slowly dissolve. On the other side, the husband, is cussing; angry and kicking the wall, but nothing is happening.

Slowly, as the wife continues to pray to God, she begins to feel a freedom in herself. She goes about her day singing praise and worship songs to Him. She continues to pray to God as the Holy Spirit reminds her. The wall continues to dissolve.

The husband is still on the other side thinking he is alone; not seeing what is happening with his wife. He is wallowing in his own self condemnation.

As the wall continues to dissolve, the husband hears a slight sound of music; his heart jumps a little in his chest and he feels better for a while. Then anger starts rising within him again, but the music is playing all through the house. It slips in his mind and dissolves that anger. He is able to sleep better; there is something happening to him that he is unaware of and doesn’t understand.

They are still not speaking, but the wife is continuing to pray because it is all she knows how to do! She cries out to God and He tells her to put the Bible player on a continuous play in their bedroom. Between the praise and worship music, the prayers and the Bible being read to them as they sleep, the husband’s mindset is changing. His words become kinder and he begins to smile more. He finds himself humming the songs he hears at home to himself throughout the day and the negativity of the world is beginning to fade from his mind and heart. After a while the wall is completely gone!

There’s a difference of atmosphere in the home because it is NOW filled with God! As this atmosphere continues, the husband and wife are able to talk to each other in a way that shows respect to the other and the Holy Spirit guides each of them in their conversations.  This takes time.

How much time, only God knows. It could take a few weeks or it could take years, but our God is the God of possible. He can change things if you will let Him use you!

I hope this helps you and your marriage! You can always go to our Prayer Wall and add a prayer request. It does not need to be about marriage or a relationship. It can be about anything! It would be our pleasure to pray and stand with you!

If you need to talk with someone, please reach out to It would bless and honor us to speak with you! REMEMBER:

WE    ARE     HERE     FOR    YOU!

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