Are you kind to your spouse?

I have been reading and working through a lot of bible plans from the Holy Bible app. I have found lots of good, valuable information. They have plans for all circumstances. As I scroll through them, I let the Holy Spirit lead me to the ones He wants me do. The scripture that jumped out at me is found in Ephesians 4:32. It reads:

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

I read a story about a couple who had been married 50+ years. The husband’s secret was starting the day off each morning by writing a simple little love note for his wife before he left for work. He would jot a few words down on anything he found that was laying around and left it for her by the coffee pot. These love notes were for “her eyes only”. He wrote simple, short and sweet words like “You are beautiful.”;” You are my sweetheart”.; “I love you.””; Have a great day, Love.”; “It’s a rainy day, but you are my sunshine!”

I thought about this and realized something so simple could make such a HUGE impact on our love life!

Pray to the Lord for His creativity in your marriage. What does He want you to do for your spouse? Also, ask Him for an attitude of forgiveness. We all make mistakes because we are human, and God knows this. That is why He sent Jesus to save us!

Ask God how to be romantic in your marriage towards your spouse. He will lead you to what He wants you to do. In fact, it can be great fun creating romantic gestures for your spouse. It will put that zing back in the day to day and you will be looking forward to your time together!

A little foot massage or shoulder rub can be something your spouse needs to release the tension from the day. A nice warm shower TOGETHER can make all the difference. Maybe, snuggling while watching something romantic on TV together can help you unwind. Simple little things that don’t cost a lot of money, but lets your significant other know how much they mean to you. That, my friends, is kindness in a marriage. We all need to be kind to each other!

If you need assistance, please reach out to us. We would be honored to help you. We can be reached at

If you need prayer for anything, it does not need to be about marriage, please go to our Prayer Wall. Prayer is powerful and it works! We would consider it a blessing to be able to pray with you. REMEMBER:

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