Love your wife

HUSBANDS – 3 Questions to Ask Yourself About Yourself
Are we putting the needs of our wife above our own?
Are we keeping our marriage vows to God and each other?
Are we modeling a good marriage to our kids?
These are good questions to ask yourself and your spouse during
different times of testing and warfare.
Jesus warned us about these challenges in the Bible passage,
John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have
peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have
overcome the world.”
A Godly marriage is when two people decide to love Him together. They
are determined to focus on God and the desire to be in unity with Him,
despite what comes against them.
As we know, the enemy likes to attack with the spirit of division. He
wants to put a wedge between you and your spouse. We KNOW Satan
comes to kill, steal and destroy. So, which side do you want to play on?

We are better together! Daily renewing of our minds, praying, fasting
when called and seeking the Lord, can overcome the fiery darts of the
enemy. This helps us through challenges of life and testing. Staying
focused on Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith, ensures we
stay in unity!
Focusing on our spouse’s needs is putting them first before our own
needs. We don’t want them to feel like they’re always last or second
place in our lives with other people or anything else like co-workers,
jobs, chores, friends, and kids, etc.

It’s important that we do what the word says! Hear and obey! Do the
will of God!
Always pursue your spouse and set a time to talk or a special date
night. It opens up conversation and communication which is so
important in a marriage. If we do what the word of God tells us and
submit to Him in everything we do, the Lord promises us that he will
fight for us and He will never leave us.
That’s loyalty and I pray that each and every one of us will do the same
in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
Blessings to you all.



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