2022 was an interesting year for Unity Marriage Ministry. We have kept working on this website, but not much else seemed to be happening or so I thought!

The Lord told me He was preparing us. Hmmm, what did that mean, I asked. Well, we were all attended an online ministry school for 9 months. There was a lot of homework, practicums and tests. It really stretched us and helped us to understand what God has called us to do!

You see, although all 6 of us are on the board of Unity, we each individually have our own callings. Think about that for a minute. God is using each of us for something different. We all have our pieces, so to speak. One is a teacher of God’s Word; one is an evangelist; one is a seer; one works with children and unifies the church; one is led to minister fathers and children; one is giving prophetic words to those he feels led to speak to. Then we are all collectively supporting each other and encouraging so we can all move forward in what God wants us to do.

We graduated in December and are now licensed and ordained ministers! What an accomplishment for us and a tremendous gain for all of you! We know so much more and understand more than we realized. We can help on a deeper level and guide you in His ways. You are the benefactors of all God is doing to expand His kingdom and we invite you to reach out to us if you need help.

Also, one of our own was diagnosed this year with cancer, but God has healed! We all prayed and kept the faith knowing that our Father never fails us! His miracles, signs and wonders are REAL! He can do the same for you if you will only let Him!

As you reflect over last year, just talk to God. He will show you what He has done for you that maybe you were unaware of. He will lead you where He wants you to be. If you can’t find the help you need, He will show you or send someone to you. All you need is to ask and LISTEN!

If you need someone to talk to, we are here. Send a message to; post a prayer and we will pray for you. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU with open arms and hearts!


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