Revelation of Heaven

Collaborated and Written by John Cody Marshall and Vikram Vaidyanathan


This is the event of Vikram’s encounter with Jesus!


I am here because of God’s love.  There is God’s will; and there are the prayers and the will of the bride.  I am here because my bride, Deborah King, was praying fervently and unceasingly for me. She asked everyone to pray. She reached out to believers; she searched the internet for prayer walls and added her prayer request to so many others. The Lord was so moved by her love that He answered her prayer! He loved her and I so much. If it hadn’t been for God’s will to intervene to meet me that day, I wouldn’t be here.  That was the day that everything I knew changed!


My encounter with Jesus is when I knew what it felt like to be LOVED so unconditionally! This was my rebirth!


It was the day I was transformed; the day I became free of every sin I had ever committed; the day everything I had experienced on this earth was dead!


My scripture, John 8:36, says “So if the son sets you free, you are truly free.”  When I brought my filthy rags and things that I had done to Him, immediately, they were all forgotten! Jesus had taken that away from me; all the ugliness, the dirty, the shameful things and cleansed me! He opens His arms wide and He embraced me!

He showed me a picture of what a life of love should be.  A perfect picture of forgiveness, reconciliation and compromise. Through His perfect love, death and resurrection, Jesus washes away our sins! In, 1 Peter 4:8, it reads, “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.”


He showed me what I mean to Him! As John Cody Marshall reiterates to me, “You, my brother, were lost and then you were found! Your eyes were opened, your ears were opened! Ever since that day, you have a special gift of hearing and seeing Him like no other! You’ve experienced heaven; you’ve experienced all the dimensions of heaven; you saw things with your heart wide open; the eyes of your heart were opened spiritually! What a beautiful experience you had and God gave me a glimpse of what you saw”!


Luke 15:4 NIV, says, “Suppose one of you have 100 sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the 99 in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?” That is what Jesus did for me!


By His amazing limitless love, I was changed! You see, I was raised in the Hindu religion. I realized that the devil uses other religions to whisper, to tell you things and give you thoughts that are not true! Satan realized when I encountered Jesus, I now knew it was all false! So, he tried to take me out, but God did not allow my death. No! He had a purpose for me! He knew, after what I had been through, I would testify of His Glory and sing His praises! He knew that I would begin my journey to become one of His: an Evangelist, a Prophet, a Teacher, an Apostle and a Pastor! He has led my wife and I to create this marriage ministry, to put together our board and to reach out to His children.

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