1 Corinthians 13:5 amp
[Love] It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked {nor overly sensitive and easily angered}; it does not take into account a wrong endured.

Good Morning Lovely people! I wanted to share something with you that the Holy Spirit asked me to do. He wanted to let you know that once you accept Jesus as your lord and savior, God does not keep a record of your wrongs!

True love releases past mistakes and bad choices. True love truly believes in the best of others. By releasing your spouse/others from past transgressions, you are giving each other permission for the relationship to grow and move forward.

The more you get to know God, the more you will understand just how much you are loved by Him! God created this ministry and we are here for YOU!

If you have a question, please email us at; if you need prayer for anything (it does not need to be about a relationship or marriage), please go to our website at Our website will notify you when someone has prayed for you. While you are there, if you feel led, please pray for someone else and click where it says ‘I prayed for you’. We all need prayer at one time or another and by clicking, you notify that person that they were prayed for. Knowing someone took the time  and cared enough to pray, may be exactly what they needed!

Enjoy Life and Love Always…..What would Jesus do?
He would LOVE FIRST!
Thank you and Blessings
Deborah “Debbie” King
Unity Marriage Ministry

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