When Marriage Gets Hard

So, you are not getting along and you argue all the time. Nothing seems to be going right! What can you do?

Marriage gets hard is an understatement! If you haven’t figured out by now that in order for you to have unity in your marriage, it will take a lot of time and effort to keep the harmony in a healthy marriage.

The most important action you can take is to pray to God! He sees and knows everything. He knows your heart. He wants what is best for you.

Praying for your husband or wife is an act of love. God has plans for both of you. AND He loves both of you! Whether your spouse believes or not does not mean that God does not love them. Praying is an action you can take right now to help your relationship! So, what are you waiting for? Start now! If you can, go someplace quiet and ask for guidance. Pour out your heart to our Father. He wants to hear from you even though He already knows what is going on. He loves you so much and He wants your marriage to thrive! If you cannot go to a quiet place, go to the bathroom or step outside for some fresh air.

Ask Him to purify YOUR heart as it says in Psalms 51:10 NIV, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit with in.”

Remember, it takes two to build a mature and healthy marriage. So, start with yourself when you pray. Ask for forgiveness and for God to show you where you have done things that hurt your relationship. In this way, He will give you the foundation to begin seeing your spouse through God’s eyes! Think about the good times you have had together as you sit with God. He will work in your marriage to bring about more good things.

You see, the enemy wants nothing more than to create a division in your marriage. Don’t give him an opportunity!


If you need help and don’t know how to pray or where to begin, reach out to us. Our email is info@unitymarrigageministry.org. We will help you. You can, also, put your prayer requests on our Prayer Wall. This is what we were called by Jesus to do!


WE      ARE      HERE      FOR       YOU!


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