Whom Or What Do You Love?

“15 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. 16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions.” 1 John 2:15-16 NLT.

I came across this scripture today and I was really blown away when I really thought about it!

How many of us get caught up in our material possessions? Like our house, our cars, clothes, shoes, purses, or how much money we have? OR what about impulse buying because we want what we see? OR get so caught up in promotions, achievements, acknowledgements, our name in the spotlight, maybe, even our child’s accolades?

Yes, it’s nice to have the good things in life, don’t get me wrong, but if you are focusing on all the worldly things of the flesh, then your focus is in the wrong place!

Our focus needs to be on Jesus Christ and what the Holy Spirit is telling us to do. Men are the heads of the household, but Jesus Christ is the head of the man. Of course, a spirit-filled man, always consults his wife when decisions need to be made as they are a team, but if the Holy Spirit says it this way and both partners are not in agreement, we need to be praying for Him to let the other one know that this is HIS WILL so that unity remains in the marriage.

Plus, the children need to be brought up with Jesus at the center of the family. No decisions are made unless they go to the Father first, ALWAYS! Now, something I am about to say may sound weird to you, but I’m telling you when you go to the Spirit about EVERYTHING, I mean everything!!

For example, “What do You want me to wear, Holy Spirit?”; “Are these the right shoes?”; “Tell me which route You want me to take, Holy Spirit.”; “Is there any place special You want to go today?”; etc….

I know these things will sound funny or weird to some people, but the Holy Spirit wants to know it all. Even though He already does, He wants you to talk with Him and tell Him yourself or ASK HIM!! When you do this, you will notice subtle changes at first, then bigger ones. Your trust will increase along with your faith!

Just a short testimony: I was at a Miracle Night here in DFW, they happen every Saturday, and I was asked what I wanted the Holy Spirit to do for me. I said I wanted my car fixed. The Prophet asked me if I wanted my car fixed or did I want a new car? I said in all honesty that I wanted a new car. (I also wanted the car we had to be fixed too, but I didn’t say that.). So we were told to go test drive some vehicles. So we did, but we didn’t know what we wanted. I kept saying whatever the Holy Spirit wanted to give us was fine with me. I, also, said I wanted it delivered to us. Well, it took about 5 months, but a 2023 Hyundai Tucson was delivered to us from San Antonio and it didn’t cost extra for them to deliver it! They drove two vehicles to the house and handed us the keys! The options on this vehicle far exceeded what we wanted. The Holy Spirit is able to give favor when you put Him first in your life!

This is just one example! There are more testimonials that we hear every Saturday! If you are looking to be fed and filled up, send a message to info@unitymarriageministry.org. We will reach out and let’s further God’s Kingdom, TOGETHER!

I hope this helps you and your marriage! You can always go to our Prayer Wall and add a prayer request. It does not need to be about marriage or a relationship. It can be about anything! It would be our pleasure to pray and stand with you!

If you need to talk with someone, please reach out to info@unitymarriageministry.org. It would bless and honor us to speak with you! REMEMBER:

WE    ARE     HERE     FOR    YOU!


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