DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE? If you don’t, how is your spouse, children, grandchildren, friends or family going to know?

In Ephesians chapters 1 and 2, it tells you who you are in Christ. You need to go read it and write down everything it says about YOU!

Here are a few things it says, but you need to go read it all!

  1. Before He made the world, He loved us/me.
  2. He chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault.
  3. God adopted us into His own family.
  4. He gave us salvation through Jesus Christ.
  5. He made us His holy people.

After you read this and make your list, keep reading it as many times as you need to until you believe who you are to God. Then start acting like the beautiful person He made you to be!

Things will change in you, your marriage, family, relationships, business, etc. When you believe, your whole world opens up!

I hope this helps you and your marriage! You can always go to our Prayer Wall and add a prayer request. It does not need to be about marriage or a relationship. It can be about anything! It would be our pleasure to pray and stand with you!

If you need to talk with someone, please reach out to It would bless and honor us to speak with you! REMEMBER:

WE    ARE     HERE     FOR    YOU!

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