Prayer Wall

Welcome to the Unity Marriage Ministry Prayer Wall. God hears your prayers! Use the form below to add your request. We also encourage you to scroll down the page to pray for others. Click “I PRAYED FOR THIS” to let a fellow listener know that they are not alone. Thanks for being a part of the family!


You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 82 times.

Lynn Peters

Please pray for my sister Laura who has been in the hospital in ICU for 2 weeks with complications from MS. My mom and I have traveled to Nashville to be with her. Thank you!

Received: July 18, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 83 times.


Please pray for my marriage and my husband, Kevin.

Received: July 17, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 85 times.

Jeremy Johnston

Today is July 7th 2022. I request prayer against withdrawals in my body. I have smoked cigarettes for over 13 years and have officially gone 2 whole days without any smoke. The mood swings, shivers and shaking are getting to me.

Received: July 7, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 84 times.


My bf of 4 years is deciding to leave our amazing and happy relationship because he wants kids. I am older than him but truly we both agree that we are the love of each others lives. Actually he told me this first but I already knew…was waiting for him to tell me. I understand about having kids but we haven’t tried together and there are so many options. He is hung up on traditional method. We could try that method but I would need help from the doctors. A true love and connection is so tough to find…especially these days!!! I may be older but this is why I know the above to be the truth! I feel devastated and am sad everyday!!!

Received: July 6, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 89 times.


I need a miracle, urgently. My husband wants me to move out. We've come to a standstill and there seems to be no way. Please pray in agreement with me that God makes a way as the way maker, restorer and redeemer. Jesus please intervene suddenly. I need You

Received: May 24, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 92 times.

stephen simoson

If you can, would you pray for me I may need heart Surgery and maybe a few other surgeries in the future. Also, I have a couple of clients that have experienced some truly serious traumas in their lives, would you agree with me in prayer that their souls and memories be healed. These two clients have gone through trauma that breaks my heart when I listen to their stories, brings back some emotive memories, they experienced deep trauma to their core.

Received: May 13, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 93 times.

stephen simoson

If you can, would you pray for me I may need heart Surgery and maybe a few other surgeries in the future. Also, I have a couple of clients that have experienced some truly serious traumas in their lives, would you agree with me in prayer that their souls and memories be healed. These two clients have gone through trauma that breaks my heart when I listen to their stories, brings back some emotive memories, they experienced deep trauma to their core.

Received: May 13, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 93 times.


Please pray husband Felix salvation our marriage deliverance from alcohol FATHER GOD restore my marriage remove his rudeness give him life love compassion towards me thank you

Received: May 2, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 97 times.


Please pray for my husband, we have been separated for a few years and he told me he wants his family back. However, each time he draws back to his family, a lady name Shanell, he met during our seperation, tries to come back and begins to pursue him. I know my husband has a stronghold on him and wants to be freed. Please pray for the stronghold on his life to be broken so he can return to his relationship with the Lord and his family.

Received: April 23, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 99 times.

Gene Capps

Please pray for my marriage of 10 years. My wife (Jennifer) filed for divorce 8 months ago. I'm fighting for reconciliation but my wife is checked out. Because of legal matters, my time with my 7 year old daughter is very limited. I've done everything the court asked for and more the last 8 months but the judge has not granted any improvements in regards to custody or other matters. Our attorneys' underlining objectives are to smear the opposing party and the truth is not accurately conveyed in court. Additionally, my faith is used against me in court. This court system has proven in my case to be one-sided in favor of the mother and ultimately promotes dvision between mother and father. The court system is so backed up with divorce cases that if mediation doesn't work out and the courts have to settle, our court date is not until Oct '23.

At this time Jennifer and I are only allowed to communicate over an application called My Family Wizard which require one to type in a username and password each time just to send a message to the other person... Too cumbersome in my opinion. This whole setup makes it's impossible for me to co-parent my daughter and I've become frustrated with it to say the least. The enemy is using this process to delete the father out of my family and I'm trying to stand on God's Word to resist him.

Jennifer has been opposed to spending anytime with me since this started. I have no idea what's going on in her life. She dropped out of church when Covid started and I don't think she ever return to a church. My prayer is she restarts her relationship with Christ.

My relationship with Christ has strengthen through this process and I know God has great plans for me either way it goes.

These battles are far beyond my control. I'm hitting a breaking point in regards to enduring the court process. I need a miracle for our marriage to reconcile and our family to be restored. Please pray my daughter is protected in this storm.

Received: March 26, 2022

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