What does that mean? It means the key to our freedom in life is our HEART! But so many people don’t understand this concept. So, let’s see how the Holy Spirit wants to break this down for you to understand.

Your life is a mess. Your job sucks. Your marriage is in shambles. Your kids don’t listen to you. You have no money. Basically, your life is not what you thought it would be when you grew up!

WHY? The world cannot offer you the peace that comes from Jesus Christ. You need to unlock your heart. You see, your heart is the real key, but it is locked up and you don’t know how to get it unlocked!

Well, the answer is simple, but not easy. Forgiveness unlocks our hearts. This world is tough. It is chaotic and unless you are focused on Jesus and listen to Him, you will not have the freedom you desire. You will not have the promises of God.

Did you catch that? The Key is FORGIVENESS! You must get on your knees and repent. Then you need to forgive everyone the Lord tells you to. Your spouse, your co-worker, your boss, your family member, the guy who cut you off in traffic, the church and Yourself!

Once you forgive, truly forgive, all of the hurts and wrongs that have been done to you, you will see things start to change. Brothers and Sisters, it might start as little things that only you notice but you start to feel freer. You feel like a load has been lifted off your shoulders. The door to your heart is open and God promises that JOY, PEACE and FREEDOM will flood our entire being! How’s that to get your life back on track!

You can enjoy your spouse and laugh together! Your kids want to hang with you, well maybe not always, but from time to time. Your friends want to do things again. The money seems to go farther. Your boss is giving you more kudos! All this is happening, not because they changed, but YOU DID!

God wants you to enjoy His creation and spread His Word. Just ask someone if you can pray for them. If they say no, okay, but as they are walking away pray that God softens their heart to let Him in. See, how hard was that?! Easy peasy!!!

I hope this helps you and your marriage! You can always go to our Prayer Wall and add a prayer request. It does not need to be about marriage or a relationship. It can be about anything! It would be our pleasure to pray and stand with you!

If you need to talk with someone, please reach out to info@unitymarriageministry.org. It would bless and honor us to speak with you! REMEMBER:

WE    ARE     HERE     FOR    YOU!

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