This was a song by the Rolling Stones and it was a big hit!  Everywhere you find people who are not satisfied with their life, their marriage, their job, their relationships, etc. WHY?

People think that they married this person and I don’t love them anymore. Why is that? You created a family and all families go through ups and downs. Jesus told us living here would not be easy. So, suck it up buttercup! You are not falling out of love. You are just not filling yourself up with the love of Jesus Christ! He is the only one who can fill the void. So, don’t take it out on your spouse because you are not reading the word; talking to God about your life; praying for others because we are called to do that; worshipping Him; He is our Savior! He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end! HE LOVES YOU!

Therefore, start crying out to Him and see how things turn around! He IS speaking to you. You just have to get quiet enough to listen!

Think about all the times He blessed you when you didn’t deserve it! Think about all the times He saved you! I know you have lots of things to be grateful and thankful for. So praise Him and tell Him you love Him just because of who He is to you! Not what He can do for you, but because He first loved you!

“They were hungry and thirsty, and their lives ebbed away. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress. He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” Psalms 107:5-9

Food for thought: Are we praising our Father in the good times? Or are we only going to Him when things aren’t going right?

I hope this helps you and your marriage! You can always go to our Prayer Wall and add a prayer request. It does not need to be about marriage or a relationship. It can be about anything! It would be our pleasure to pray and stand with you!

If you need to talk with someone, please reach out to info@unitymarriageministry.org. It would bless and honor us to speak with you! REMEMBER:

WE    ARE     HERE     FOR    YOU!

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